Well, 2023 is in full swing as we get to the latter half of January and with the excitement of the new year starting to lessen it’s probably a good time to reflect on the previous year and to plan out the year ahead from a Sikh dating perspective. Within this short article we’ll provide some tips that might help you on your way to finding your ideal single Sikh, so that in 2024 you’re well on your way to settling down, or even settled down!
Sikh Dating Lessons Learned
Stepping away from the work I do in relation to Sikh Dating via SeekSikh, I actually work in the Project Management profession, and one of the key things at the end of a project is to conduct a Lessons Learned exercise. Not to get too geeky here, but according to the PMI (Project Management Institute), “lessons learned are the documented information that reflects both the positive and negative experiences of a project”. Now I’m not asking you to formally document your ‘lessons learned’ after each and every date but do take a step back and reflect and what has typically gone well or not as the case may be and importantly learn and refine.
Dating Groundhog Day
Okay, so the Bill Murray classic, Groundhog Day has to be one of my top 10 movies, I could literally watch it again, and again, which is effectively what happens in the movie. But we can learn from Bill Murray’s character ‘Phil’, and first lets link back to the very first point, he kept learning from his lessons and bettering himself, in some ways. But, when going on dates without finding the ‘one’, are you essentially reliving the same date repeatedly? If so, it’s time to mix it up and we could mean a few things by this. It could be that you have a particular type of person in mind, and as a result you keep dating clones of your previous dates, they might look a certain way, work in a particular profession, or exude a certain personality. But if it’s not working, shake it up and you might be pleasantly surprised.
Look for Single Sikhs in More Places
So this might be a bit strange coming from SeekSikh, especially as we’re a Sikh dating website, but perhaps you’re looking online or browsing apps exclusively and for whatever reason, just not finding a suitable match. Perhaps think about complementing the online search with some real-world exploring, have a search for in-person Sikh Singles events, there’s a range that take place regularly across London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds. We ourselves will at some point be hosting events, so if you want to stay in the loop just register via the form below.
Single Sikh Speed Dating Events
We’re excited to announce that we’ll soon be scheduling in a series of regular speed dating events for the UK Sikh sangat. To be kept updated, simply sign up to the SikhSeek newsletter and we’ll keep you informed.
Your privacy is important to us and we will never rent or sell your information, you can also unsubscribe at any time
Improve your Dating Communication
Not to be patronising, but sometimes communication skills can be a key reason why conversations or relations still in their infancy just fizzle out. We’re referring to both online messaging and actual conversations; perhaps you’re shy or more of an introvert, however this is an area in which you may need to level up, especially if you’ve been searching for a while and not really getting beyond a quick hello. Think about how you might improve in this area, could you send better messages, could you be a better listener or could you perhaps just communicate more often?
Be the Best Version of YOU
Sometimes we seek perfection but we ourselves are not perfect, and to be honest, is perfection even possible? No. However, you can be the best version of yourself. Let go of your limiting beliefs, amplify your strengths and adopt a growth mindset. But most importantly, have compassion for yourself and don’t spend hours scrolling through social media looking at what others have. Practice a bit of self-love, go for a walk and be assured that there’s someone out there that will one day be going on that walk with you – stay positive always.
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