For marriages and dating in general, the Covid-19 pandemic has been a double-edged sword with both favourable and unfavourable consequences.
For those that are married, divorces are on the rise and for singles looking to mingle and settle down it has been far from easy, but normal service is due to be resumed very soon!
The Pandemic Caused a Spike in Break-Ups
Prior to the lockdown divorce rates were decreasing but this has changed with pandemic-induced breakups on the rise as highlighted by the leading British law firm Stewarts, who recorded a significant 122% increase in divorce enquiries between July and October 2020 when compared with the same period from 2019. This trend was supported by the Charity Citizen’s Advice, who reported a spike in searches for online advice on ending a relationship.
The Pandemic Paused Dating and Weddings
Marriages aside, those trying to find someone to settle down with have struggled during this period, which has been referred to as ‘the lost year’ for singletons.
This has been a devastating period for pretty much everyone, but especially for single twentysomethings and thirtysomethings that are searching for a husband or wife. The lockdowns have resulted in singles events being cancelled and Gurdwara Matrimonial services being halted for the most part. Even if you have met someone online, meeting in person has not really been possible, although being decked out in PPE and maintaining social distancing has to some extent made this a possibility – but it hasn’t been easy. The lockdown was in part one of the reasons why we fast tracked the launch of SeekSikh as a free Sikh matrimonials site to try and make it easier to meet like minded single Sikhs.
Thankfully there is further light at the end of the Covid tunnel with the recent government announcements that all restrictions should be lifted by 21st June at the earliest.
The Silver Lining for Lockdown Dating
There is however a positive to be taken, and that is that online / virtual dating has seen a huge rise in uptake and furthermore the online dating interactions are also lasting longer. The benefits linked to this are that:
Firstly, with a greater number of singles online there’s more choice!
Secondly, as the options for meeting in person are limited, you can focus more on conversation and get to know someone better before agreeing to meet.
Thirdly, making a quick exit from a Zoom or Team virtual date is going to be easier than it would be in person – just blame the network
Don’t Rush in to getting Engaged or Married
Whilst this has been ‘the lost year’ for singles, just remember that Marrying Late is Better Than Marrying Wrong – so don’t rush in to making any rash decisions.
However, if you are keen to settle down sooner rather than later then do consider adjusting your partner search criteria because if you are seeking someone that ticks EVERY box – you may be searching forever.
By this we mean, consider the ‘filters’ you’re applying when searching for a partner i.e., if you are seeking someone from a particular caste, someone of a particular height, someone who hasn’t been through a divorce – why are you limiting your search?
A person’s caste, height or previous marital status does not define the person – your perfect match may not be the one that ticks all the boxes you or your family thought needed to be ticked.
Be open minded and we hope you find the right one.